Remembering the Accused Witches of Scotland

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Recommended Reading
Below we've gathered useful online resources, books, articles and other tools to assist you with your own Scottish Witch Trials research. We would love to hear about what you unearth. If you would like to share your research with the RAWS community, please submit it to our blog here.
Witches, Witch-Hunting, and Women (2018) - Silvia Federici
Demonology and Witch-Hunting in Early Modern Europe (2020) – Julian Goodare
Scottish Witches and Witch-Hunters (2013) – Julian Goodare (ed.)
Witchcraft and Belief in Early Modern Scotland (2008) – Julian Goodare, Lauren Martin and Joyce Miller (eds.)
The Scottish Witch-Hunt in Context (2002) – Julian Goodare
Scotland: Her Story: The Nation’s History by the Women Who Lived It (2018) – Rosemary Goring
Witchcraft and Folk Belief in the Age of Enlightenment: Scotland, 1670-1740 (2016) – Lizanne Henderson
Enemies of God: The Witch-Hunt in Scotland (1981) – Christina Larner
A Source-Book of Scottish Witchcraft (1977) – Christina Larner
The Witch-Hunt in Early Modern Europe (1995) - Brian P. Levack
The Witches of Fife: Witch-Hunting in a Scottish Shire, 1560-1710 (2014) – Stuart MacDonald
The Great Scottish Witch Hunt (2008) – P.G. Maxwell Stuart
An Abundance of Witches: The Great Scottish Witch Hunt (2005) – P.G Maxwell Stuart
Witchcraft in Early Modern Scotland: James' VI's Demonology and the North Berwick Witches (2000) – Lawrence Normand and Gareth Roberts
Where are the Women? A Guide to an Imagined Scotland (2019) – Sara Sheridan
The Visions of Isobel Gowdie: Magic, Witchcraft and Dark Shamanism in Seventeenth-Century Scotland (2010) – Emma Wilby
Cunning Folk and Familiar Spirits: Shamanistic Visionary Traditions in Early Modern British Witchcraft and Magic (2005) – Emma Wilby
Witches of the North: Scotland and Finnmark (2013) – Liv Helene Willumsen
Lisa's Booklist
Primary Sources
A. E. Truckell (ed.), ‘Unpublished witchcraft trials’, Transactions of the Dumfriesshire and Galloway Natural History and Antiquarian Society, 3rd series, 51 (1975), 48-58, and 52 (1976), 95-108:
Joseph Anderson (ed.), ‘The confessions of the Forfar witches (1661)’, Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 22 (1887-8), 241-62:
R. Burns Begg (ed.), ‘Notice of trials for witchcraft at Crook of Devon, Kinross-shire, in 1662’, Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 22 (1887-8), 211-41:
David Webster (ed.), Collection of Rare and Curious Tracts on Witchcraft and the Second Sight (Edinburgh: privately printed, 1820)
'No, there is no witch hunt against powerful men', Michelle B. Brock. Washington Post, 18/10/2017
'Internalizing the Demonic: Satan and the Self in Early Modern Scottish Piety', Michelle B Brock. Journal of British Studies, 54, pp 23-43
Video & Podcasts
University of Aberdeen - Toil and Trouble: Witchcraft in Scotland exhibition