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Remembering the Accused Witches of Scotland

We are RAWS, a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. We are campaigning to raise awareness of the ordinary women & men who were accused of witchcraft during this dark period of Scottish history.


Our Achievements

1. We were involved in detailed discussions with the Scottish Government regarding a formal apology to all those prosecuted and persecuted under the historic witchcraft acts. In March 2022 the First Minister issued an apology on behalf of the Government.

2. We worked extensively with the Church of Scotland regarding the role of the church during the witch trials and as a result the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland issued a formal apology in May 2022. Our work with the church remains ongoing.


Our Ongoing Aims
  1. To educate and raise awareness of the impact of the Scottish Witch Trials.

  2. To erect a national monument to remember and honour the more than 4,000 accused.

What We Do

Researching the 4,000 accused witches of Scotland

Our community is working hard to unearth the stories of Scotland's accused witches. We have close connections to historians in the field, and spotlight new research on our blog.

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