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From the ashes we shall rise

From the ashes we shall rise. Collaborative event ran by Rowan Morrison. And Karen Strang. This event was held. On Wednesday the 9th of March. 2022. At Cleish village hall.

All profits were very kindly donated to Remembering the Accused Witches of Scotland.

For International Women’s Day. FROM THE ASHES WE SHALL RISE. A Remembrance and Reclaiming collaboration event with Rowan Morrison Storyteller and Karen Strang Artist.

At the height of the biggest witch-panic in 1662, the horrors of witch-persecution came to the Crook of Devon in Kinross shire, where eleven accused witches were ‘taken to the place called the Lamlaires bewest the Cruick Miln’ and there stranglit to the death by the hand of the hangman, and thereafter their bodies to be burnt to ashes’.

As a storyteller Rowan Morrison will take you back to this harrowing time in history where women were called ‘witch’ on a whim, strangled, and burnt by kirk and king. She will talk about her work with the human soul and about the invisible legacy left in the wake of the witch trials known as the ‘witch wound’. A collective spiritual trauma that has been carried forward through the generations that is still felt by many women today.

As a painter Karen Strang has dedicated many years of research to the injustices of the Scottish Witchcraft Trials. Taking ownership of the term Witch and the power of the Divine Feminine has led her to examine the positive 'demonic' energy of women to rebalance misogyny and to reclaim self-identity. She is inspired by spoken word and delighted to be working with Rowan, who's craft in storytelling will provide a wonderful creative collaboration.

Through the power of shamanic reawakening Rowan will lead you on a journey to connect to the wild woman archetype, that hides deep in the shadows. While Karen will guide you to reclaim this empowering aspect of the self through art. To create a

By remembering, reawakening, and reclaiming our power we can begin to heal this ancestral wound, so women can rise from the ashes of the burning times.

Proceeds from the event will be used to cover costs and the rest will be donated to Remembering the Accused Witches of Scotland. Charity Registration SC051010 . Their Chairperson Sheila Gaul, will be saying a few words about their work at the event.




A Message from Rowan Morrison:

Dear Attendees,

Firstly a big thank you to everyone who bought a ticket for From The Ashes We Shall Rise.

The venue will be open to the public at 6:45 and the event will start at 7:00 pm. It is fully acceable, with parking directly outside the hall and in the car park adjecent to the church. Cleish is a small village, so if you can, please travel with someone else to limit the amount of traffic in the village on the night.

Teas and coffees will be avaliable on the night during the short comfort break. 

Please note, that masks must be worn at the event in line with Government Guidelines.




Sheila Gaul, Chairperson of Remembering the Accused Witches of Scotland, will speak about the work of the charity in raising awareness of the witch trials, obtaining an apology from the government and church, and erecting a national monument to honour more than 4,000 accused.

Karen Strang Artist will introduce her art practice with a short presentation on the materials of traditional painting, how this connects directly with our collective past of the 1600s and how through research and process of painting she set about visualising the trials and the women accused.

Rowan Morrison, shamanic teacher, and storyteller will talk about her work to sing home the souls of the accused and her vision of remembrance. Before telling you her reimagined story of the Crook of Devon accused witches. Why reimagined? If I talk about the historical facts of the witch trials, you might learn, but if I tell you the story of the accused it will live in your heart forever.

After the performance the audience will be invited to take part in a short memorial ceremony for the ordinary from the Crook of Devon who were murdered for a crime they did not commit. This will be followed by a minute’s silence for accused witches from all over the world.

After a short break for refreshments. The second half of the event will begin with an exploration of the invisible legacy of witch trials, known as the witch wound. With the help of her deer skin drum, Rowan will lead a shamanic journey to help heal this ancestral trauma by awakening the wild woman archetype within. While Karen will lead a drawing session of primal visual expression inspired by embracing our wild nature, the part of us that is free from the fear of persecution. From this, we will create a collective work of art that will symbolise a rising from the ashes of the past.

The evening will finish with a very short reading, followed by an opportunity to take photos before people take away their art. A permanent reminder of who they are, the powerful wild woman inside that is an integral part of their soul.  

After costs, all proceeds from the event will be donated to Remembering the Accused Witches of Scotland. Charity Registration SC051010.

Everyone is invited to bring a fist sized stone along with some flowers. These will be laid at the Crook of Devon the following day, to form part of a CARIN OF REMEMBERANCE to the eleven accused witches who were strangled and burnt there in the year 1962. Thank you for remembering. 


We look forward to seeing you on the night. 

Best wishes,

Rowan and Karen


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